Three House of Harley gift bundles

Treat yourself or treat a loved one to these limited availability packages of House of Harley comics and art books, available now in our Etsy shop

Ugly Mugs 5, 6, 7 and 8

All four 21st century editions of our comix-art anthology.

Over 340 pages of comics to amuse and confuse with contributions from the krispy kreme of the British independent comics scene – Ed Pinsent, John Bagnall, Denny Derbyshire, Tom Baxter Tiffin, Chris Reynolds (RIP), Marc Baines, Savage Pencil, iestyn Pettigrew, Jim Barker, and Jason Atomic alongside all new strips and drawings from the House of Harley studio. And there’s a gaggle of graphics and stories by international guests.

Featuring unforgetting one-off gags and stories, plus recurring features including: Windy Wilberforce’s Saga of the Scroll, Mark E Smith Music Teacher, the mysterious adventuries of Seb, Marc Baine’s The Rightful King of the North Riding, PCSO Dan, Voodoo Master and Dora the Art Restorer.

“As jammed-packed with beguiling thrilling stuff as any British X-mas Annual of yore, these curated creations brim with surreal narrative force and come overloaded with wry and witty visual oomph…” – Win Wiacek, Now Read This!

With bonus 12 page comic Naked Knowledge 1.

£50+p&p from our Etsy shop.

Mesdames of the Marker Pen 1, 2 and 3

120 A5 pages of eye-popping pin-ups from the House of Harley archive, all drawn in bold and bodacious style with nothing but a marker pen.

This gift bundle collects all three issues of Mesdames of the Marker Pen, with a bonus 12 page art booklet, Go Figure 1. For adult readers only.

All the original drawings are available for purchase for very reasonable prices.

£12+p&p from our Etsy shop.

Art booklet bonanza

Five pocket-sized limited edition art booklets in a red ribbon, totalling 164 pages of highlights from the House of Harley sketchbooks. Featuring expressive figure drawings of women and men, portraits of London Underground commuters and wildly coloured fashion illustrations. In this bundle: Go Figure 1, Go Figure 2, Dwellers of the Deep 1, Hands Up 1 and Flying Away 1.

£12+p&p from our Etsy shop.

Ugly Mug 8

The HOUSE OF HARLEY presents its latest INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH comics compendium.

ADULTS ONLY. Order your copy now from our Etsy shop.

IN THIS ISSUE: vinyl mania – whirling microphones – stuffed tigers – cable inspections – terrible mistakes – old mining railways – time travel on the cheap – floating ziggurats – tree portals – strange clouds – hand-cranked cars – mating season orgies – smoking spoil-heaps – a Tunnock’s shortage

Featuring modern machinery invented by returning Ugly Mug contributors:

  • Bearskin – travel the worlds and pass through the portals with Denny Derbyshire
  • RSD Lang Ed Pinsent‘s record collecting hero travels back in time to get a rare LP
  • Jungle Ruck – cross(species)-dressing, courtesy mayhem-maker Julian Geek
  • Big backsides – depicted with relish by Brazilian guest Alberto Monteiro
  • Windy Wilberforce – our hero imperilled under the scalpel of Dr Fengele, in chapter 8 of Ed Pinsent‘s The Saga of the Scroll

And precision-engineered parts supplied by the House of Harley:

  • Jack of All Trades – explains how to deal with a wasps nest in your bedroom
  • Life with Freda Nipple – onesies, hybrid working and urban birding
  • Mark E Smith Music Teacher – more life lessons from The Fall’s late lead singer
  • Sound of the Underground – an earth-shaking collision of politics and music

Alll wrapped in injection-molded covers designed by Northern powerhouse John Bagnall.

“Ugly Mug is a really, really interesting anthology out of the UK… doesn’t seem to be engaged in anything ‘on trend’, instead we have stark black and white cartooning with blunt, human stories. Magnetic stuff, not like the rest!”
– Austin English, Domino Books

Published Sept 2024. A4, 56 pages.

“You want something different in cartooning and storytelling? Get this! Wild, unhindered creativity on display.” – Talking Small Press Comics

“Wild fun and the epitome of sheer creativity perfection… here is more racy fare than any British X-mas Annual of yore. These cunning creations teem with turbulent narrative force and visual clout, and come packed to the gills with wry and witty visual oomph…” – Win Wiacek, Now Read This!

“…things can get a little mad and sometimes leave you thinking ‘what have I just read?’ but it’s that eccentricity and flair that means you can’t stop reading and admiring what’s been put together.” – Comic Book News UK

Ugly Mug continues to occupy a space in our indie scene that no other small press anthology series comes close to visiting. An unrepentant oddity, it’s that very outsider ambience that makes it such a continued draw in the UK self-publishing world.” – Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier

“A British ZAP-esque feel to it… nothing in this comic is normal, in a brilliant way.” – Tony Esmond, Awesome Comics Podcast

“…all the brilliance and bizarrie we’ve come to expect.” – The Bedlam Files

£8.95 + postage. ADULTS ONLY.
Order now direct from our Etsy shop.

Or pick up a copy from these online and real world retailers:
Gosh! Comics, London
Atomic Books, Baltimore, US
Domino Books, US
Partners and Son, Philadelphia, US

Also available…


A page of pencil drawings, some of which became part of Seb, Surrounded, the third episode in the ongoing adventures of singer Sébastienne, stranded in who-knows-where. Which real life singer is Seb based on? The clue is in the name.

As featured in Ugly Mug 7, the latest issue of the House of Harley’s annual comix-art anthology. New episode (and Ugly Mug) coming soon.

Ugly Mug 7

The HOUSE OF HARLEY presents 120 pages of IN YOUR FACE comics to AMUSE and CONFUSE.

ADULTS ONLY. Order your copy now from Lulu (cheaper for international readers) or our Etsy shop.

IN THIS ISSUE: heavenly objects dusty shelves voting kids actors high on amphetamines burning rivers blood pressure pills ragtime jazz – horses of the future amorphous empires – police stations on fire stopped clocks green herrings art misattributed to Banksy sticky floors Philly steaks pensioners on trampolines – a dominion of shades in waiting silence

Ugly Mug, the House of Harley’s annual anthology of primo grade underground art-comix, is BACK to put 2023 in its place. The finest pens of the British small press join forces with a gaggle of international guests for an exhilarating exploration of karma and chaos

  • Otherweirdly – epic notions of another world by Denny Derbyshire
  • How a Comic is MadeJohn Bagnall goes inside the factory
  • The Imbalance of Nature – weird and wonderful extremes of life documented by Ed Pinsent
  • I Fucking Hate Steroidsiestyn demonstrates the drawbacks of prescription medication
  • Duk U SuckaTom Baxter Tiffin‘s tale of Ned Kelly lost in The Dreamtime
  • Respecto! – how do you get it, asks Hal Weaver
  • RSD Lang Ed Pinsent‘s record detective regrets discovering Noise Music
  • King Kong MemoriesJason Atomic shaves the beast
  • Cafe society scenes – captured by our on-the-spot reporter Patricia Gaignat
  • Advisory Bureau John Bagnall explains how to deal with modern living
  • Batlight Chris Reynolds takes a ride in an elevator
  • Windy Wilberforce – Harry Excess tangles with Dr Fengele in chapter 7 of Ed Pinsent‘s The Saga of the Scroll
  • DogbreathSavage Pencil‘s misanthropic mutt dreams of world destruction
  • Plus bonus slices of British life served up by John Bagnall
  • And eye popping graphix by Alberto Monteiro, Masaman, Jim Barker and Oxideguy

All the above contained within iestyn‘s bewildering wraparound cover.

“If you think comics should be fun as well as deeply serious, and want to ingest a brew of art laced with heavy doses of insanity, wonder, and escapades inside the Dream-House, then this totally unique underground publication is your beer.” 
Ed Pinsent, The Sound Projector

As if that’s not enough to unsettle your equilibrium, there’s all this and more from the artists of the House of Harley studio

  • Start Your Day the Ugly Mug Way – 100% sound lifestyle advice from our resident expert
  • Take the Children Out of Town – a crisis of adulthood played out in Seussian rhyme
  • Seb, Surrounded – our hardy heroine battles an enemy she cannot see
  • Mark E Smith Music Teacher – The Fall singer’s secret side hustle
  • PCSO Dan – cannabis farm and fur baby bulletins from your local community copper
  • There, there – when life gets on top of us, we all need some home comfort
  • Seminal Surprises – you’ll be amazed by what can be produced
  • Try Harder – Mister Tut Tut sets the world to rights
  • Voodoo Master Selfies – Instagram highlights
  • No Kisses Before Christmas – be patient, Busy Lizzie has a lot on her plate
  • Mr Jimmy Joist Biology Teacher – retrieves young Raymond’s lost homework
  • Corporate Responsibility – why everyone should apply to work at the House of Harley

Published Sept 2023. A4 paperback., 120 pages.

“As jammed-packed with beguiling thrilling stuff as any British X-mas Annual of yore, these curated creations brim with surreal narrative force and come overloaded with wry and witty visual oomph…” – Win Wiacek, Now Read This!

“Adults only… they weren’t kidding.” – Talking Small Press Comics

“…an experimental mix of comics and art, often both at the same time… a valuable resource with some great underground creators” – The Awesome Comics Podcast

“If you’re familiar with any of the previous UGLY MUGS you’ll have some idea of what to expect, but if not this mind-roasting compilation will make for an excellent introduction.” – The Bedlam Files

“…from darkly satirical tales to absurdist comedies, all drawn with a raw, expressive style… guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on readers… this is an anthology that’ll make you laugh, admire artistic flair, and maybe even question your sanity.” – Comic Book News UK

“…the tagline ‘comics to amuse and confuse’ perfectly encapsulates the breadth of material between its covers… its contents range from everything from parodic Viz-like humour through to oblique and sometimes even impenetrable experimental comics.” – Broken Frontier 

£19.99 + postage. ADULTS ONLY.
Order now direct from Lulu (cheaper for international readers) or our Etsy shop.

Or pick up a copy from these online and real world retailers:
Domino Books, US – SOLD OUT
Gosh Comics, London, UK (in store only)
Pushkin House Bookshop, London, UK

Also available…

Ugly Mug 6

The House of Harley cuts ’22 in two with 100 pages of prime comix-art righteousness.

Order your copy now from Lulu (cheaper for international readers) or from our Etsy shop.

IN THIS ISSUE: stealable dogsdangling ropestrained penguinsrising bills – country retreats comfy chairsunbreakable belt – dancing on the ceiling – street nudity – a bottomless bucket – apocalypse gumbo – social media dischord – abandoned wrecks – fresh bread aniseed balls stinging nettles Ray Harryhausen cameo hate speech clampdowns – a field full of hares

City and country are explored in story and picture by our intrepid contributors, including the krispy kreme of the British small press cartooning scene, plus a pastry platter of international guests

  • Endicott and the Case of the Five Windows – an Astorial Anecdote by Ed Pinsent
  • Sous Chef Blues – the twisted politics of food exposed by Tom Baxter Tiffin
  • Viktor Frankenstein Retired – anonymity and seclusion in a seaside town, by John Bagnall
  • In SpeluncaMarc Baines reveals the secret lodged in the caves of Whitby
  • The Young Prince Umsween – a new take on an old allegory by Chris Reynolds
  • I Got Hung on the WireJason Atomic gets tangled up in barbed wire and brambles
  • Street scenes and portrait sketches – city living illustrated by Patricia Gaignat
  • Sandecay – vast skies, truth and lies documented by Orkney vistor iestyn
  • RSD Lang Record DetectiveEd Pinsent‘s intemperate sleuth investigates The Beatles’ White Album
  • Cardboard cities – radical street plans designed by Jim Barker
  • Japanese graphix – four eye-popping drawings by the mysterious Masaman
  • Windy Wilberforce – word harvests and corrupted crops in chapter 6 of Ed Pinsent‘s The Saga of the Scroll
  • Scenes from Club Mancuso – portraits of visitors to the prestigous floating venue, by owner Vince Mancuso
  • Winter of the Asteroids – an astral gathering attended by Denny Derbyshire

“A mixture of genius and drivel, just like comics should be. I laughed! I cried! I scratched my head!” 
Roger Sabin, Professor of Popular Culture, Central Saint Martin

Plus lots more from the anonymous artists of the House of Harley studio…

  • Seb, Suspended – our heroine’s world goes topsy turvy
  • While the City Slumbers – giants walk the land
  • PCSO Dan – creates content for the community
  • Patricia does not do the dishes – and explains why
  • Smoked-Out Shindig – Greek goddess sabotages party
  • Reading the Streets – urban literacy
  • What is a Product Manager? – the House of Harley explains
  • Dora the Art Restorer – faces her biggest challenge yet
  • Into the Shadow Realm – naked abstraction awaits
  • Nothing to See Here – censorship in action
  • How to read Ugly Mug – a user’s guide
  • Voodoo Master Funnies – you’ll laugh your head off
  • Hangin’ with the House of Harley – fan questions answered

£14.99 + postage. Order now from Lulu (cheaper for international readers) or from our Etsy shop.
Or pick up a copy from these online and real world retailers:
Atomic Books, US
Zine Freak, Lancaster, UK
Pushkin House Bookshop, London, UK

Published Oct 2022. 100 pages, A4 paperback.
Not suitable for children.

“…adult oriented artwork from the world’s foremost underground cartoonists… high weirdness in the comic book sphere…” – The Bedlam Files

“As the gears in the mind of this magician (with his hieratic hat and cape) start to turn, so too do our minds churn as we struggle to make sense of the fascinating, puzzling contents of Ugly Mug 6!” – reviewed by Ed Pinsent (part 1 and part 2)

“…the Monty Python of comic books… they dragged it across the ocean from Great Britain…” – Talking Small Press Comics

“…an old school-style reminder of the breadth of self-published practice in the UK…” – Broken Frontier

Also available…