The Big Reveal

The third House of Harley art book is a mammoth collection of highlights from Harley’s visits to life drawing groups in London – including Betty Frankenstien’s Drawing Room, The Moon and Nude, Life Draw N4, Shoreditch Fashion Illustration Class and the Exotique Drawing Salon.

Featuring life drawing superstars Carla Tofano, Steve Ritter, Andrew Crayford and the Salacious Sirens, amongst over thirty models. Harley applies his raw and experimental approach to quick-fire drawings of mermaids, pole dancers, masked heroines, burlesque dancers, cowgirls and werewolves as well as many traditional nudes.

Published July 2021. 180 pages, colour, A5 paperback.

£14.99 + postage. Order now from our Etsy shop or (better for international customers) Lulu.
Also on sale at London’s Pushkin House bookshop.

Visit the House of Harley Shop for info about our previous books, Corrugated Catwalk and Feature Show, and other arty items.

Life drawings for sale

Many of the life drawings found on this site are for sale. Prices are typically £100 unframed, £150 framed, plus postage and packing, for an A4 sketch. Most are in pencil or marker pen. Please enquire as to availability and cost.

A few examples below… lots more here.

Life drawing 2016 #8 part 1

Back to Life Drawing with Added Thrills at it’s new venue, The Antelope in Tooting. This week’s theme: Ancient Greece… which somehow translated into Roman togas. Well you can’t take these things too seriously, can you?

Anyway, here’s my 2-4 minute warm up sketches of hosts Betty Boheme, Violet Empire and Betty Boneapart


Life drawing 2016 #7 part 6

Very rapid pencil sketches of Salacious Sirens Bebe Boheme, Violet Empire and Betty Boneapart, freezing momentarily during a preview of a new performance being prepared for the Brighton Fringe. From last week’s visit to Life Drawing with Added Thrills at The Antelope
